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Brave Barometer: Assess Your Adventure Aptitude!

Instructions: Answer each question and keep track of your points. At the end, add up your points to discover your Adventure Level.

  1. Spontaneity Spree
    How do you feel about spontaneous plans?
  • A. I love them! The more unplanned, the better! (+3 points)
  • B. I’m okay with some spontaneity, but I prefer a plan. (+2 points)
  • C. Not a fan. I like to stick to a schedule. (+1 point)
  • D. Spontaneity? No, thank you. (-1 point)

2. Fear Factor
When faced with the unknown, how do you react?

  • A. Bring it on! I thrive in the face of uncertainty. (+3 points)
  • B. I’m cautious but curious. I’ll give it a shot. (+2 points)
  • C. I prefer the familiar; uncertainty makes me uneasy. (+1 point)
  • D. I like to stay within my comfort zone. (-1 point)

3. Bucket List Blues
How many items have you checked off your bucket list?

  • A. I’m checking them off and adding more allll the time! (+3 points)
  • B. I’ve checked off a few, but there’s room for more. (+2 points)
  • C. I have a list, but it’s mostly untouched. (+1 point)
  • D. Bucket list? I don’t really have one. (-1 point)

4. Adventure Gear Gauge
How much adventure gear is hanging in your closet, and how often do you find yourself reaching for it?

  • A. My closet is a treasure trove of adventure gear, and I use it regularly! (+3 points)
  • B. I have some adventure gear, but I don’t use it as often as I’d like. (+2 points)
  • C. I own a few pieces, but they mostly gather dust. (+1 point)
  • D. Adventure gear? I have sneakers…? (-1 point)

5. Social Explorer
How do you approach social situations with new people?

  • A. I’m always excited to meet new people and make friends! (+3 points)
  • B. I’m open to meeting new people, but it takes time for me to warm up. (+2 points)
  • C. I prefer sticking to my existing social circle. (+1 point)
  • D. Meeting new people is not really my thing. (-1 point)


  • 12-15 points: Adventure Seeker
    You’re a true thrill-seeker! Your love for spontaneity and embracing the unknown makes you the life of the party. Keep pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons!
  • 7-11 points: Curious Voyager
    You have a healthy balance of adventure and caution. You’re open to new experiences but also appreciate a sense of security. Keep exploring and discovering new things at your own pace!
  • 3-6 points: Comfort Cruiser
    You prefer a more relaxed and predictable lifestyle. While routine brings you comfort, consider adding a sprinkle of spontaneity to your life for an exciting change!
  • 0-2 points: Cautious Observer
    You’re not the biggest fan of risks and adventures. That’s okay! Everyone has their comfort zone. Try incorporating small changes gradually to expand your horizons.

Adventure Tips:

  • Start Small: If you’re new to adventure, begin with small, manageable risks. It could be trying a new hobby or exploring a nearby town.
  • Embrace the Uncomfortable: Growth often happens outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to do something that makes you slightly uneasy – you might discover a new passion.
  • Surround Yourself: Engage with people who have a more adventurous spirit. Their enthusiasm can be contagious and inspire you to try new things.

Remember, the key is to enjoy the journey and find what level of adventure suits you best!