The Blog

What are you waiting for?

If there’s something that you’ve been wanting to do/try achieve and you find yourself putting it off, it might be time to dig into why.

It’s easy to say ‘some day’

It’s easy to put things off, even when we know it’s not only good for us, but we have a deep desire to do it!

Some common excuses you might have heard yourself use:

  • I don’t have time
  • I can’t afford it
  • I’ll do it when …

While sometimes these things are true, the truth is .. we always find time and money for things we value. So what’s the -real- thing holding you back?

You’re scared.

It’s normal to be scared before stepping into something you’ve never done before. Something you’re unsure of. Something that is going to take some commitment and effort. Something you might even fail at. It IS scary.

But girl, we don’t let fear boss us around.

So let’s chat about how we can start moving past that and actually start doing the things we want to do.

First things first..

Write the thing down, jot it in a journal, a random piece of paper, a note in your phone.

The act of writing it makes it real, yo.

Next, you’re going to write down every conceivable reason as to WHY you want it and how your life/wellbeing will improve when you’ve done this thing. The more you know why you want it, the more likely you are to take action on it.

Chunk it Down

Break this thing down into itty bitty steps. The babiest of steps even.

Bonus points if you take the time to identify what might hold you back from taking each of these baby steps and then also have a plan when set backs arise.

Here’s a roadmap to help!

Want a printable roadmap? –> Email me for your free copy!

Imperfect Action

It’s better to just start than to think about how to start. Girl, do the damn things you want to do.

Get a Bravery Buddy

Having trouble doing the thing on your own? Chances are someone else has done it already. Search out a Facebook group or ask a friend to support you.

There’s always 100 reasons not to do something, but if it’s something you can’t stop thinking about– that’s a pretty big sign to do the damn thing.

This beautiful life is too short to just keep dreaming about the life you truly want to live.

Let’s go live it, ok??

One thing I know to help build up those bravery muscles to start really going after your bucket list is to do things outside of your comfort zone. Which is what Being Brave Club is all about – building confidence and bravery through movement and adventure! Consider coming out to one of our events!