Being Brave club is all about getting out of your routine, out of your head an into your body — building confidence through movement and adventure.
You do not need to be a member to join in on community events but it will help you stay committed to getting out, making new friends and exploring new adventures.
Some membership perks:
✔ Access to select events for free
✔ Bring a friend for free options
✔ Member's only camping trip
✔ Member's only events
✔ Discounts galore
✔ Being Part of a badass community
-Lorraine F
Anyone considering membership should simply DO IT - its an amazing opportunity to be part of something very special and it’s a wonderful investment in yourself”
- Raea G.
I joined the Being Brave Club on a bit of a whim - wanting a kick in the butt to get outdoors more often, without having to do all the organizing myself. What I found was an incredibly fun and supportive group of women, all with their own reasons and goals for joining. There’s a lot of things that I want to try or do more of, but not all of my friends have the same interests, so being part of a group of women that are always saying “heck yes!” is so wonderful. When I first found the club, I thought I might just try a few events before committing to a membership, but when I saw all the cool events that are available only to members, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity!
- Allison Braun
I’ve been on 2 Being Brave Club events and I can say already that they’ve been attracting the most wonderful women! We’ve cheerlead-ed each other, team-worked on challenges and had a ton of fun (and some good workouts!).
As an introvert (that sits a lot!) and someone who doesn’t love a lot of small talk, I’ve loved getting outdoors and having meaningful & fun conversations while also getting out in nature and moving my body.
I’ll be going to all the BBC events that I can!
-Erin M
When I first heard about being brave club I was curious, but being an introvert I knew it would be hard to convince myself to participate. So I joined as a member, which was just the push I needed to get myself out there. Turns out it was one of my best decisions of the year! I've done things I wouldn't normally do, learned new skills, and met some really great women too!
- Kailie M
As an introvert and being new to the city, I was finding it difficult to go out and meet new people. Then I found Being Brave Club!
Going into my second year as a member, I continue to meet so many other incredible women who never fail to make you feel welcome & encourage you when you need it the most! I have so much fun at every event and have learned so much already.
I am excited to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone with this amazing group of ladies!
- Kristin Smith
Being fairly introverted, having someone organize these events that got me out of my comfort zone, made me feel brave and empowered!
Being with a group of like minded women who are supportive made me want to explore any up coming events!
Highly recommend!
- Krista M
"I have to say as an introverted person, these events have been so helpful in expanding my comfort zone in incremental steps."